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Text File  |  1985-04-15  |  29KB  |  70 lines

  1. help,Q&A,laboratory,data,assembly,Byte,subscription                                                           LETTERS                                                          Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11         141)Comments on "Laboratory Data.." (May v.9 n.5 p.366), 2)Assemblyprogram/display Byte subscription number.                                                                                         
  2. help,Q&A,Sieve of Eratosthenes,benchmark,bug,Chameleon Plus                                                   FIXES AND UPDATES                                                Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11         33Corrected listing for Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark in "The    Chameleon Plus" (Jun v.9 n.6 p.327).                                                                                              
  3. IBM PC-AT,insert                                                 R. Malloy, G. M. Vose, and T. Clune          "The IBM PC AT: Powerful Hardware With A Split Personality"      Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        108Overview (description) of the IBM PC-AT.  [Also, an insert en-   titled "The IBM PC Network"].                                                                                                     
  4. IBM PC Network,LAN,communication,insert                          G. Bond                                      "The IBM PC Network"                                             Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        111Insert in "The IBM PC AT: Powerful Hardware...." by R. Malloy,   G. M. Vose, and T. Clune, this article gives an overview of the  IBM PC Network announced at the same time as the IBM PC-AT.      
  5. do-it-yourself,hard disk,expansion,kit,maintenance,tutorial      R. M. Matney                                 "Adding A Hard Disk"                                             Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        203An engineer discusses kits, components, and expansions for the   IBM PC.                                                                                                                           
  6. tutorial,optical,memory,laser                                    E. S. Rothchild                              "Optical Memory: Data Storage By Laser"                          Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        215Overview (tutorial) of optical storage technology.                                                                                                                                                 
  7. DBM,database,catalog                                             G. Bond                                      "A Database Catalog"                                             Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        227A quick look at 47 database programs.                                                                                                                                                              
  8. English,nonsense,mimic,imitate,random text,Pascal,Travesty,insertH. Kenner and J. O'Rourke                    "A Travesty Generator for Micros"                                Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        129Pascal program (Travesty) to fabricate pseudo-text from any inputtext (i.e., to create nonsense imitation of text).  [Also, an in-sert entitled "Remarks on the Travesty Listing"].                
  9. tutorial,MOUS123,Microsoft,mouse,Lotus 1-2-3,assembly            J. Doolittle                                 "Using A Mouse With Lotus 1-2-3"                                 Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        124Tutorial and driver program called MOUS123 (assembly language) toadapt a Microsoft mouse for use with Lotus 1-2-3.                                                                                 
  10. tutorial,random number,LCG,math,linear congruential generator    C. A. Whitney                                "Generating And Testing Pseudorandom Numbers"                    Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        128Tutorial (advanced) on linear congruential generators for gen-   erating pseudorandom numbers.                                                                                                     
  11. data,abstraction,structure,tutorial,BASIC                        G. F. Simons                                 "Data Abstraction"                                               Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        130Tutorial on data abstraction techniques that let you manipulate  data structures without concern for the type of data in these    structures.  BASIC program given for illustration purposes.      
  12. database,DBM,cover story                                         R. Krajewski                                 "Databases"                                                      Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        134Cover story introduction to this special issue on databases.                                                                                                                                       
  13. database,type,DBM,hierarchical,relational,tutorial               R. Krajewski                                 "Database Types"                                                 Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        137Tutorial on different ways of managing information (relational,  hierarchical, file-management, etc.).                                                                                             
  14. tutorial,text,edit,manage,integrate,database,DBM                 E. Shapiro                                   "Text Databases"                                                 Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        147Tutorial on the integration of text editing and text management.                                                                                                                                   
  15. database,DBM,free-form,word-oriented,FayFlo                      R. W. Atkins and W. L. Mazur                 "The DayFlo Architecture"                                        Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        155The internal workings of a free-form word-oriented database is   described by two designers from DayFlo Software.                                                                                  
  16. database,service,on-line,DBM,BBS                                 M. Lesko                                     "Low-Cost On-Line Databases"                                     Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        167Overview of on-line database services including some of the less expensive systems (e.g., BBSs).                                                                                                   
  17. database,DBM,Pick operating system,OS,multiuser,relational,insertR. Cook and J. Brandon                       "The Pick Operating System. Part 1: Information Management"      Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        177Overview of the Pick operating system, an information-oriented   system that has built-in relational database and multiuser capa- bilities. [Also, an insert "Attribute 0, Modulo, and Separation"]
  18. database,DBM,Pick operating system,OS,attribute,modulo,separation                                             "Attribute 0, Modulo, and Separation"                            Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        190Insert in "The Pick Operating System. Part 1: Information Manage-ment" by R. Cook and J. Brandon.                                                                                                  
  19. commentary,editorial,XyWrite,compatible,MAD,STM-PC               R. Malloy                                    REVIEWER'S NOTEBOOK                                              Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        245Product-review editor comments on XyWrite and two IBM compatibles                                                                                                                                  
  20. review,Columbia Multipersonal Computer-VP,compatible             P. V. Callamaras                             SYSTEM REVIEW - "The Columbia Multipersonal Computer-VP"         Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        276Review of the Columbia Multipersonal Computer-VP (by Columbia    Data Products), an IBM PC compatible.                                                                                             
  21. review,Panasonic Sr. Partner,compatible                          R. Malloy                                    SYSTEM REVIEW - "The Panasonic Sr. Partner"                      Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        254Review of the Panasonic Sr. Partner (by Panasonic Industrial), anIBM-PC compatible.                                                                                                                
  22. review,Volkswriter Deluxe,Lifetree,word processor                S. R. Lehrman                                SOFTWARE REVIEW - "Volkswriter Deluxe"                           Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        263Review of Volkswriter Deluxe (by Lifetree).                                                                                                                                                        
  23. review,CLOUT,MicroRim,SALVO,Software Automation,query,applicationG. Bond                                      SOFTWARE REVIEW - "CLOUT and SALVO"                              Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        279Review of two natural-language query programs: CLOUT (by MicroRimInc.) and SALVO (by Software Automation Inc.).                                                                                    
  24. review,DBM,database,DataEase,Condor 3,dBASE II                   B. Jacobson                                  SOFTWARE REVIEW - "DataEase vs. Condor and dBASE II"             Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        289Review of DBM programs: DataEase (by Software Solutions),        Condor 3 (by Condor Computer Corp.), and dBASE II (by Ashton-    Tate).                                                           
  25. artificial intelligence,AI,POP-2,SNAP,Prolog,LISP                D. Pountain                                  BYTE U.K. - "POP and SNAP"                                       Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11        381Overview of two artificial intelligence languages, POP-2 and     SNAP, that offer alternatives to LISP and Prolog.                                                                                 
  26. book,review,SMALLTALK-80                                         R. Fritzson                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11         65Review of: A. Goldberg and D. Robson, SMALLTALK-80: THE LANGUAGE AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION (Addison-Wesley, 1983).                                                                                    
  27. book,review,SMALLTALK-80,interactive                             R. Fritzson                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11         70Review of: A. Goldberg, SMALLTALK-80: THE INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMINGENVIRONMENT (Addison-Wesley, 1984).                                                                                               
  28. book,review,SMALLTALK-80,history,advice                          R. Fritzson                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/10 Oct v.9 n.11         78Review of: G. Krasner, SMALLTALK-80: BITS OF HISTORY, WORDS OF   ADVICE (Addison-Wesley, 1984).                                                                                                    
  29. book,review,Modula-2,Pascal                                      D. D. Clark                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12         65Review of: R. Gleaves, MODULA-2 FOR PASCAL PROGRAMMERS (Springer-Verlag, 1984).                                                                                                                    
  30. book,review,data compression                                     M. O'Neill                                   BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12         67Review of: G. Held, DATA COMPRESSION: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICA-    TIONS, HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE CONSIDERATIONS (Wiley & Sons, 1983).                                                                 
  31. book,review,interface                                            P. Beckmann                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12         68Review of: S. Leibson, THE HANDBOOK OF MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACING (Tab Books, 1983).                                                                                                                
  32. Data General/One,portable,lap,compatible,insert                  G. Williams and K. Sheldon                   "The Data General One"                                           Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        102Overview (description) of the Data General/One, a 10-pound       battery-powered portable that's fully compatible with the IBM PC.[Also, an insert entitled "Development of the Data General/One"].
  33. Data General/One,portable,lap,compatible,insert,interview                                                     "Development of the Data General/One"                            Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        105Insert in "The Data General One" by G. Williams and K. Sheldon,  this article is an interview with employees of Nippon Data Gener-al, who have created the Data General/One lap-size portable.     
  34. Pick operating system,OS,control,programming,insert              R. Cook and J. Brandon                       "The Pick Operating System. Part 2: System Control"              Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        132Continuation of last month's article on the Pick Operating Sys-  tem.  This time: control and programming capabilities.  [Also, aninsert entitled "The IBM PC Implementation"].                    
  35. Pick operating system,OS,IBM PC,implementation,insert                                                         "The IBM PC Implementation"                                      Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        132Insert in "The Pick Operating System. Part 2: System Control" by R. Cook and J. Brandon, this article discusses the implementationof the Pick Operating System on the IBM PC.                      
  36. tutorial,chip,microprocessor,iAPX 286,80286                      P. Wells                                     "The 80286 Microprocessor"                                       Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        231A close look at Intel's 32-bit iAPX 286 chip.                                                                                                                                                      
  37. review,MultiMate,Leading Edge,word processor,dedicated,WordStar  C. J. Puotinen                               SOFTWARE REVIEW - "Leading Edge and MultiMate"                   Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        287Comparative review (with WordStar) of the word processing pro-   grams: the MultiMate Professional Word Processor 3.22 and        Leading Edge Word Processing                                     
  38. review,polyFORTH,PC/FORTH,Laboratory Microsystems                E. Tello                                     SOFTWARE REVIEW - "polyFORTH and PC/FORTH"                       Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        303Review of two FORTH development systems: PC/FORTH 2.0 (by Labor- atory Microsystems Inc.) and polyFORTH II Level 3 (by FORTH Inc.)                                                                 
  39. review,Samna Word III,word processor,WordStar,Volkswriter Deluxe R. Rabinovitz                                SOFTWARE REVIEW - "Samna Word III"                               Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        319Comparative review (with WordStar and Volkswriter Deluxe) of     Samna Word III (by Samna Corporation).                                                                                            
  40. review,printer,Mannesmann Tally,Spirit 80,Epson RX-80,Gemini-10X M. J. Welch                                  HARDWARE REVIEW - "The Mannesmann Tally Spirit 80 Printer"       Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        335Comparative review (with the Epson RX-80 and Gemini-10X) of the  Spirit 80 printer (by Mannesmann Tally).                                                                                          
  41. review,printer,letter quality,LQP,Brother HR-15,Juki,Diablo      P. V. Callamaras                             HARDWARE REVIEW - "The Brother HR-15 Letter-Quality Printer"     Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        341Comparative review (with the Juki 6100 and the Diablo 630) of theBrother HR-15 printer (by Brother International Corporation).                                                                     
  42. English,nonsense,mimic,imitate,random text,Pascal,Travesty,insert                                             "Remarks on the Travesty Listing"                                Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        449Insert in "A Travesty Generator for Micros" by H. Kenner and     J. O'Rourke, this article discusses the Travesty program listing in terms of the available Pascal compilers.                      
  43. tutorial,WordStar,word processor,programming,tool,application    V. Alfieri                                   "WordStar As A Programming Tool"                                 Byte    84/11 Nov v.9 n.12        505WordStar tutorial on how to use several word-processing tricks inprogram development, and ways to get around some of WordStar's   quirks (e.g., space limitations and .BAK files).                 
  44. book,review,LISP,artificial intelligence,AI                      J. Smith                                     BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13         65Review of: R. Wilensky, LISPCRAFT (W. W. Norton, 1984).                                                                                                                                            
  45. book,review,communication                                        M. O'Neill                                   BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13         67Review of: J. A. Kuecken, TALKING COMPUTERS AND TELECOMMUNICA-   TIONS (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983).                                                                                              
  46. book,review,assembly                                             J. Figueras                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13         70Review of: R. Lafore, ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PRIMER FOR THE IBM PC &  XT (New American Library, 1984).                                                                                                  
  47. book,review,ethics                                               M. J. Welch                                  BOOK REVIEWS                                                     Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13         76Review of: D. W. Johnson, COMPUTER ETHICS: A GUIDE FOR THE NEW   AGE (Brethren Press, 1984).                                                                                                       
  48. Tandy 1000,Radio Shack,compatible                                G. M. Vose                                   "The Tandy 1000"                                                 Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13         98Overview (description) of the Tandy 1000 (by Tandy Corp.), an IBMPC compatible.                                                                                                                    
  49. do-it-yourself,power,AC/DC,electronics,project                   S. Ciarcia                                   CIARCIA'S CIRCUIT CELLAR - "Build the Power I/O System"          Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        105Do-it-yourself electronics project that will enable you to use   your PC to control AC/DC power.                                                                                                   
  50. C language,Instant-C,C Source Debugger,Safe C Compiler,utility   G. M. Vose                                   "C-Language Development Tools"                                   Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        119Overview of the C language and a look at three products: 1)Safe CCompiler and Profiler (Catalytix Corp.), 2)Instant-C interpreter (Rational Systems), 3)C Source Debugger (Mark Williams Co.).     
  51. tutorial,fiber optics,light,communication                        R. S. Shuford                                "An Introduction to Fiber Optics, Part 1"                        Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        121Tutorial on fiber optics.                                                                                                                                                                          
  52. tutorial,communication,Ethernet,network,LAN,insert               E. E. Mier                                   "The Evolution of a Standard Ethernet"                           Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        131Overview of the technology of local networking (Ethernet-style). [Also, an insert entitled "The Ethernet Specification"].                                                                          
  53. communication,Ethernet,LAN,network,standard,protocol,IEEE,insert                                              "The Ethernet Specification"                                     Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        134Insert in "The Evolution of a Standard Ethernet" by E. E. Miller,this article discusses the Ethernet specification (now called    IEEE 802.3).                                                     
  54. review,communication,network,LAN,purchase,consumer               J. S. Haugdahl                               "Local-Area Networks for the IBM PC"                             Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        147Overview of local area networks (LANs), specifically for the     IBM PC (with comparative chart).                                                                                                  
  55. communication,modem,future,forecast,speed,tutorial               K. Maxwell                                   "High-Speed Dial-Up Modems"                                      Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        179A report on the promise and peril of faster data transmission.                                                                                                                                     
  56. communication,BASIC,file transfer,terminal,emulation,insert      B. J. Arnow                                  "Writing Communications in BASIC"                                Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        187Tutorial on writing file transfer and terminal emulation programsin BASIC.  [Also, an insert entitled "Glossary of Communica-     tions"].                                                         
  57. communication,terminology,glossary,lingo,jargon,insert                                                        "Glossary of Communications Terms"                               Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        194Insert in "Writing Communications in BASIC" by B. J. Arnow, this article is a glossary of communications terms.                                                                                    
  58. communication,criteria,select,consumer,purchase,advice,insert    D. Barr and G. deW. Rogers                   "Looking For The Perfect Program"                                Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        199The authors discuss criteria for selecting communications soft-  ware.  [Also, an insert entitled "The Bare Necessities"].                                                                         
  59. on-line,database,service,IBM                                     S. Lisanti                                   "The On-Line Search"                                             Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        215Overview of on-line database services.                                                                                                                                                             
  60. review,Tandy Model 2000,Radio Shack,compatible                   M. S. Jennings                               SYSTEM REVIEW - "The Tandy Model 2000"                           Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        239Review of the Tandy Model 2000 (by Tandy Corporation), an IBM PC compatible.                                                                                                                       
  61. review,Zenith,Z-150,compatible,do-it-yourself,kit,insert         W. Rash Jr.                                  SYSTEM REVIEW - "The Zenith Z-150 PC"                            Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        252Review of the Zenith Z-150 (by Zenith Data Systems), an IBM PC   compatible (also available as a kit from Heathkit).  [Also, an   insert entitled "Building the H-150 Computer Kit"].              
  62. review,Heathkit H-150,compatible,do-it-yourself,kit,insert       H. B. Cohen                                  "Building the H-150 Computer Kit"                                Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        258Insert in "The Zenith Z-150 PC" by W. Rash Jr., this article is  a review of the Heathkit H-150 computer kit (i.e., the equivalentof the Zenith Z-150 computer).                                   
  63. review,TK!Solver,Software Arts,math,science,engineer             A. R. Miller                                 SOFTWARE REVIEW - "TK!Solver"                                    Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        263Review of TK!Solver (by Software Arts Inc.), an application pro- gram for solving general mathematical expressions in science and engineering.                                                     
  64. review,WordPerfect,word processor,Satellite,WordStar,Volkswriter R. Birmele                                   SOFTWARE REVIEW - "WordPerfect"                                  Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        277Comparative review (with WordStar and Volkswriter) of WordPerfect(by Satellite Software International).                                                                                            
  65. review,Epson LQ-1500,printer,TI Model 855,Toshiba P1340          K. Sheldon                                   HARDWARE REVIEW - "The Epson LQ-1500"                            Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        292Comparative review (with the TI Model 855 and the Toshiba P1340) of the Epson LQ-1500 dot-matrix printer (by Epson America).                                                                       
  66. LAN,standard,communication,concurrent,PC-DOS,IBM,Rolm            J. Markoff and E. Shapiro                    BYTE WEST COAST - "Happenings"                                   Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        343Two BYTE editors report on LAN standards, concurrent PC-DOS, and IBM's acquistion of the Rolm Corporation.                                                                                         
  67. microPROLOG,artificial intelligence,AI                           D. Pountain                                  BYTE U.K. -  "Prolog on Microcomputers"                          Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        355Overview of Prolog, an artificial intelligence language (and     microPROLOG).                                                                                                                     
  68. tutorial,WordStar,superscript,subscript,FX-80,printer            M. H. Goldbaum                               "FX-80 WordStar Superscripts"                                    Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        411Simple methods for producing superscripts and subscripts on the  Epson FX-80 printer without patching WordStar.                                                                                    
  69. communication,tutorial,protocol,standard,insert                  L. Felser                                    "The Bare Necessities"                                           Byte    84/12 Dec v.9 n.13        200Insert in "Looking For The Perfect Program" by D. Barr and       G. deW. Rogers, this article is a tutorial on communication      standards (protocols).                                           
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